Fr. Pfleger says 9 year old's murder a 'new low' for Chicago
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - Police say 9-year-old Chicago boy who was fatally shot this week was "lured" from a park into an alley and executed because of his father's alleged gang connections. CPD Superintendent Garry McCarthy described the attack as among the most "unfathomable" of his 35 years in policing.
Father Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina's church on the South Side of Chicago is outspoken and passionate about the Tyshawn Lee case.
"The execution is a new low. You don't murder children, there is no code of decency. We have to draw a line because this is not acceptable," Fr. Pfleger told FOX 32 News during an interview Friday morning.
Pfleger said it is crucial that police catch Lee's killer and put him behind bars.
"There were people around. People saw it. We have to deal wtih the murder of this 9 year old baby. This cannot be accepted," Pfleger said.
As FOX 32 News has been reporting, Fr. Pfleger is offering to pay for any relocation expenses for the person who steps forward with information leading to the boy's killer.