Hammond police searching for 5 young men involved in crime spree

A search is underway for young suspects in a crime spree.

Police in Hammond, Indiana said the five young men carjacked two men and robbed and assaulted others.

The crime spree started early Tuesday morning when a 67-year-old man was carjacked on his way to work.

Robert Orllana's friend and co- worker met him at his house in the 5500 block of Alice Avenue in Hammond, like he does every day, and within minutes he was carjacked.

“He's over here – ‘What happened?’ and he's in shock, he can’t talk,” said Orllana. He realized his friend’s car had been stolen and he called police.

He says his friend was approached as soon as he parked by four men carrying baseball bats.

This was the first in a series of crimes.

Police believe the suspects then drove the man's stolen grey Toyota Camry to a Calumet City Bank of America ATM where they robbed a woman - threatening her also with a baseball bat.

The next stop, according to police, was Horseshoe Casino. That’s where they believe two of the suspects were spotted on cameras in a hallway and then in a parking garage where the allegedly carjacked another 67-year-old man, beat him, robbed him and threatened to shoot him.

Hammond police report the men were caught once more on cameras in a nearby Wal-Mart after trying to using stolen credit cards.

Police are looking for two stolen cars:
1999 grey Toyota Camry, Illinois license plates ZX20185
2014 black Hyundai Sonata with Illinois plates ZY44585
Call police if you know anything about these crimes.