Kyle Rittenhouse attorney wants to show Kenosha victim was sex offender

Kyle Rittenhouse’s attorney asked a judge to argue that one of the men his client killed was a sex offender. 

Rittenhouse's attorney, Mark Richards, hopes to show the man was trying to steal Rittenhouse’s gun because he couldn’t possess one. Richards filed the motions Thursday.  

Rittenhouse, 18, is charged with killing Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, on Aug. 25 during protests in Kenosha over the police shooting two days earlier of Jacob Blake, a Black man who was left paralyzed when he was shot by a white police officer.


He has argued he fired in self-defense after protesters attacked him.

Black Lives Matter supporters have painted him as a trigger-happy white supremacist, but some conservatives see him as a symbol for gun rights and have rallied around him, generating $2 million for his bail in November.

Rittenhouse's trial is scheduled to start Nov. 1.

Crime and Public SafetyNews