Monee mayor accused of punching Little League umpire in the mouth
MONEE (FOX 32 News) - A Little League ballgame in south suburban Monee took a bizarre turn when one of the coaches allegedly slugged the umpire and broke his jaw.
Now, the Will County Sheriff's Office is investigating whether charges will be filed against the coach, who also happens to be Monee’s mayor.
"I was stunned. I was stunned. Because it all came down I gave a seven year old girl an extra swing of the bat. It's a children's game,” said umpire Tim Nelson.
Nelson was umpiring a seven and eight year old Little League game in south suburban Monee Saturday morning when he decided to give an extra strike to a little girl who had whiffed on three pitches. He says the opposing team's coach got upset.
"Next thing I know I got somebody coming up behind me screaming at me that I have to follow the rules,” Nelson said. "He went to turn away from me and he looked me in the eye and said 'you're nothing but a drunk.'"
"I was trying to get to him to confront him over that and the next thing I know I took a shot,” he added. "I got hit in the jaw. And I went back and the coaches rushed him away. I didn't even know he was the mayor."
Jay Farquhar is mayor of Monee.
FOX 32 paid a visit to the mayor’s home, but he didn't answer the door and was not at his office at Monee’s village hall.
In a statement, an attorney for the mayor says: "Mr. Farquhar is deeply saddened that this unfortunate situation occurred... (He) does not tolerate this type of behavior. At this time, Mr. Farquhar is not presently interested in pursuing any criminal charges or any other legal action."
"Now he's making statements like I'm the bad guy? And he says he doesn't tolerate this behavior? He was the behavior!" Nelson said.
Shortly after talking to FOX 32, nelson had his jaw wired shut to repair two fractures he sustained from the blow.
A spokesperson for the Will County Sheriff's Office says they have begun interviewing witnesses and will send their report to the state's attorney to decide whether charges are warranted.
Monee residents aren't exactly going to bat for their mayor.
"I do believe the mayor should be charged. That is assault and battery,” one woman said.
"My take is it was wrong. He should never have done it. If you can't keep your cool at a baseball game, you shouldn't be out there,” a man said.
The head of the Monee Little League told FOX 32 the mayor has now been suspended from the league. He can't coach, and in fact he's banned from even attending the games.
Nelson will have his jaw wired shut for a full month, but hopes to continue calling games.