Murder of 8-year-old Melissa Ortega: Activists demand someone come forward, identify killer

On Sunday, Chicago activists demanded that someone come forward with information about the murder of 8-year-old Melissa Ortega.

She was gunned down on Saturday afternoon in Little Village when someone started shooting at a 26-year-old man coming out of a store. That man was hit and critically wounded. Ortega died at the hospital a few hours later.

"You shot this little girl's brains out. It's time for justice. I don't care who your target was. You targeted that little girl. When you miss, you hit our babies! This was somebody's baby," community activist Andrew Holmes said. 

Friends said Melissa and her mother came from Mexico to the United States to try to make their lives better.

Holmes encouraged neighbors to check their Ring videos and other surveillance cameras to see if they can spot anyone suspicious who might been connected to the crime. And he said the killer needs to finally do the right thing and turn himself in.

"You slept on a pillow last night… while this baby was laying on a steel table at the medical examiner's office. You come here as a punk and you lay this little girl's brains out on the street," Holmes said.