Police: Sex offender gave lessons at Woodstock guitar school

SUN-TIMES MEDIA WIRE - A convicted child sex offender who gave several underage students lessons at a guitar school in northwest suburban Woodstock has been arrested.

David Bruce Colley, 51, was charged with one felony count of child sex offender unlawfully providing programs or services to persons under 18 years age, according to Woodstock police.

In early September, police received an anonymous tip that a convicted child sex offender was running a guitar school at 216 Main St. in Woodstock, police said. They learned that the now-defunct “G4 Guitar School” was owned by David Bruce.

The owner’s actual name was David Bruce Colley, a previously convicted child sex offender, police said.

Colley gave lessons to several students under the age of 18 at the facility between Jan. 1 and June 30, according to police. He is no longer required to register as a sex offender, but is still prohibited from providing any programs or services to children.

There have been no complaints of sexual abuse against Colley’s students in Woodstock, police said.

Colley, of Crystal Lake was arrested Thursday while performing a musical act at an establishment in McHenry, police said.

He was released after posting $1,000, ten percent of his $10,000 bond, and is next scheduled to appear in court Nov. 17.