Rauner announces group to study education funding formula

CHICAGO (AP) - Gov. Bruce Rauner has announced a commission to help overhaul Illinois' outdated school funding formula.
The Republican told reporters on Tuesday the bipartisan group of 25 people will study the issue and offer a final report to his office and the General Assembly by Feb. 1, 2017.
The complicated way Illinois uses to determine how much money schools receive has long been contentious. The formula was last changed in 1997.
Rauner says commission members will be chosen by him and the four legislative leaders.
Appointees include Republicans Sen. Jason Barickman and Rep. Dwight Kay and Democrats Sen. Andy Manar and House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie.
Rauner wouldn't specify what he thinks the commission should pursue. Rauner's picks include Secretary of Education Beth Purvis and Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti.