'Safety first, safety always': Local roofing company warns of dangers of heavy snow, ice

Dealing with the snow is proving to be very tricky for homeowners. 

In the past few days, one roofing, siding and gutters company based in Oak Lawn has received a couple hundred weather related calls.

This is four times more than they normally get this time of year.

MORE: Locals begin digging out after storm dumps 18+ inches of snow

Massive icicles and mounds of snow, however, are no match for Patrick McGowan and the team at Style Exteriors.

"As the thaw starts to happen, the mess inside homes is gonna get more and more extreme," said McGowan, the Sales Manager at Style Exteriors.

Among their top calls are water leaks and ice damming.

"As it melts off, it runs into the gutters, and then it freezes into the gutters, and then backs it way up and into the home," said McGowan.

McGowan says at this point, the best way to keep your home safe and prevent a leak is to call a professional and have them remove the snow. 

MORE: 3rd building collapses on South Side after snow; 6 in Chicago so far in February

Do not go up on the roof yourself.

"With this type of snow, the density of the snow, there could be tens of thousands of pounds up on your roof," said McGowan.
McGowan says if you have a rooftop deck, and it's safe to clear it off, do a complete removal of the snow.

"It could become an issue where you do have leaks or collapse, a potential collapse," said McGowan.

But, he says, be careful of your surroundings, especially where you're tossing that snow.


"Making sure that there's nobody underneath where you're throwing off snow. So again, safety first, safety always," said McGowan.

McGowan says there are a couple of things to look for inside your home. If you see staining on your ceiling or bubbling of paint, that may be a sign of a leak and you should call an expert.

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