Some CTU members oppose Friday's 'Day of Action'
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - The Chicago Teachers Union claims it won't be a conventional strike.
It will last just one day, and teachers hope thousands of other public employees will join them. However, some union members strongly oppose the walkout.
On Thursday, their union handed out signs for teachers to wave outside Chicago Public Schools Friday morning.
Michael Bruesch teaches at South Loop Elementary. He says picketing will be aimed not just at Mayor Emanuel, but at the State Capitol, too.
“For funding for all education in Illinois,” Bruesch said.
Union leaders expect busloads of students and staff from several state universities to join the protest.
Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democratic legislative leaders have not agreed on how to fund the universities and the schools are cutting hundreds of jobs.
The lack of a state budget threatens other unionized government workers and they've been invited to join the so-called "Day of Action."
“So, it's not really about teachers, you know, versus Rauner. This is about all the people who our governor is hurting with his bad choices,” said CTU Vice President Jesse Sharkey.
The governor and Chicago officials call the one-day walkout illegal. Some CPS teachers have denounced it, too.
A veteran teacher at Lane Tech High School, Mike Deross, is among those who plan to cross the picket line Friday. He told AM-560 The Answer how he angrily quit the union.
“I did through e-mail. I told them I wanted to resign from their bleeping socialist union!” Deross said.
The Lane Tech campus is one of 250 sites CPS will open Friday so that students whose families can't arrange child care will have someplace to go. Most kids that FOX 32 talked to said they plan to play.
“Not sure. I think we're going to play some lacrosse. Not much,” a student said.
FOX 32: You're not going to crack a book?
“No,” the student said while laughing.
FOX 32’s bet is that very few students will have their noses buried in textbooks Friday during the ‘Day of Action.’