The Inspired Home Show offers houseware paradise at McCormick Place

The Inspired Home Show at McCormick Place is in full swing, featuring gizmos, gadgets, and home decor galore. 

According to research from the International Housewares Association, people are hosting more events in their homes than ever before, leading to a surge in demand for these home products.  

"Right now, eight out of 10 people are planning to have people in their homes in the coming year," said Dawn Evans for the International Housewares Association.

While the public is not invited to the show, retailers and buyers are essentially doing their bidding for them, looking for the products of tomorrow. This year, that includes an explosion of colorful cast-iron cooking options from Le Creuset, Martha Stewart, Crockpot, and more. 

There are designer ice makers, and ice cube molds. Home cheese makers. Pans with folding handles for space-saving. Even an LED facemask that claims to use LED lights to eliminate wrinkles and acne.

Evans said the color of the year always generates a lot of buzz too.

"The color of the year this year is peach fuzz, and we work with Pantone every year to introduce color and how it affects housewares." 

Pantone said you can expect the color peach to be prevalent in everything from housepaint to housewares, apparel and more. 

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