TMZ: McDonald's employees who helped capture Facebook killer in line for reward - The McDonald's employees who called the cops on the Facebook killer are going to get the $50,000 reward ... at least if law enforcement has its way.
We spoke with local and federal law enforcement officials who tell us ... they believe the employees were the lynchpin that caused cops to corner Steve Stephens in Erie, PA. As you know, Stephens killed himself.
As for the reward, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said, "There is an award up to $50,000 for the arrest of Mr. Steve Stephens. The money comes from the FBI, ATF and U.S. Marshal Service."
Sticklers could argue no one should get the award because Stephens wasn't arrested, but there have been similar cases over the years where law enforcement determined the reward conditions were met.
The law enforcement officials with whom we spoke say it's clear ... the McDonald's employees made the difference. They spotted Stephens and stalled him at the drive-thru so cops could make their move.
We're told so far there have been no official meetings on the reward, but it sounds like the employees are in for a big surprise.
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