Trump says churches should reopen this weekend, Pritzker and Lightfoot say no

President Donald Trump is ordering all churches and places of worship to reopen this Memorial Day weekend, calling them a necessary part of society.

But that order will have little effect in Illinois, where churches have been closed under Governor JB Pritzker’s stay-at-home order.

Both the governor and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot say it is their call, not the president's.

"Many millions of Americans embrace worship as an essential part of life,” Trump said.

The president announced his order Friday, aimed at states, like Illinois, that have banned public gatherings, including religious services.

"The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now. This weekend. If they don't do it, I will override the governors,” Trump said.

But the president didn't cite any Constitutional authority to do so and Governor Pritzker said he is sticking to the state's plan.

The governor's ban has been upheld by the courts and Mayor Lightfoot says the president has no business telling them what they can do.

"Look, the presidents running for reelection. He's pandering to a base and I think we have to recognize that virtually everything he says has a political undertone or basis for it,” Lightfoot said.

In a statement from the Chicago Archdiocese, they said: “The bishops in Illinois have adopted a prudent and disciplined plan for reopening our churches that was approved by the governor and public health officials.”

That means Holy Name Cathedral will not be opening this weekend.