U of Illinois president hopes to again freeze tuition

CHICAGO (AP) - University of Illinois President Timothy Killeen says he plans to propose a third consecutive tuition freeze for the university's three campuses.
Killeen told The Chicago Tribune on Tuesday that if university trustees agree to the freeze for 2017-18, it would help make the university more competitive with schools in other states.
Increasing numbers of in-state students have been choosing public universities in other states due to lower tuition costs.
University spokesman Tom Hardy said trustees will not consider tuition levels 2017-18 for another six months.
With a freeze, students starting school in fall 2017 would pay $12,036 a year at Urbana-Champaign, $10,584 at the Chicago campus and $9,405 at the Springfield campus. When housing and other costs are added, those costs can more than double.
Information from: Chicago Tribune, http://www.chicagotribune.com