WATCH: Man bowls perfect 300 in 87 seconds

A New York bowler has rolled a perfect 300 game in less than 90 seconds.

Ben Ketola hit 12 straight strikes in 86.9 seconds on April 5 at 281 Bowl in Cortland.

The 23-year-old Preble man raced from one lane to the next at the 10-lane facility and registered the strikes using a different ball on each lane. He used Lanes 1 and 2 twice.

Ketola is a 225-average, two-handed bowler who works at the bowling alley. He tells The Post-Standard of Syracuse he "honestly wasn't expecting to do it."

There is no official speed record listed by the United States Bowling Congress. Pro bowler Tom Dougherty threw a perfect game over 12 lanes in 111 seconds in 2015.
