Des Plaines man charged with fleeing scene of deadly accident

Joseph Sarb | DuPage County Sheriff's office
BENSENVILLE, Ill. - A Des Plaines man has been charged after allegedly leaving the scene of a fatal accident Monday in the northwest suburb.
Joseph Sarb, 42, is accused of driving a tow truck into a business parking lot around 10:14 p.m. where 46-year-old Daruisz Zalewski crashed into him while riding a motorcycle near Irving Park Road and Walnut Avenue.
Zalewski was launched from his motorcycle onto Irving Park Road, officials said.
Sarb continued driving through the parking lot and got back onto Irving Park Road before fleeing the scene.
Zalewski was found by officers lying unresponsive next to his motorcycle. He was rushed to a local hospital where he died.
Sarb was arrested Wednesday at his residence and charged with one count of leaving the scene of an accident causing death.
"The allegation that Mr. Sarb failed to stop and help a man who had just been knocked off his motorcycle and instead fled the scene are extremely troubling," DuPage County State's Attorney Robert Berlin said in a statement. "Additionally, leaving the scene of an accident in which you were involved that left a fatally injured man lying on a dark street, as alleged in this case, is not only illegal, it is morally reprehensible. I extend my sincerest condolences to Mr. Zalewski's family and friends as they grieve this senseless, terrible loss."
Sarb was ordered held on a $250,000 bond. He is scheduled to appear in court on Aug. 31.