Pet owners concerned about the impact fireworks have on their furry friends

Going into Independence Day weekend, several pet owners are concerned of the impact fireworks will have on their furry friends.

July 5 is typically the busiest day of the year for shelters with an influx of runaway dogs and cats.

Dog owner John Doody said he is concerned about ongoing fireworks in his neighborhood.

"The dogs freak out. They shake, they go running upstairs. Now it is even worse because it is going to be a bombardment today and tomorrow," Doody said.

Doody says fireworks in his area have been going on since May. 

"It is seven days a week, it is about 4, 5 o'clock in the afternoon until 2, 3 o'clock in the morning," Doody said.  


Although Doody says he appreciates the fireworks, he thinks that they belong at Navy Pier or at parks. 

"It is not the fun fireworks, the pretty ones. It's the M-80s, the M-100s. Every once in a while you are like, well wait a minute- is that a gunshot, or is that a firework?" Doody said.

Doody said he has not called the police. 

"They have other things to worry about, this is Chicago!"  Doody said.

Doody says he does not have a solution for the city.

"I've got complaints for you, but I don't have answers," Doody said.

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