Wheeling girl donates over 100 board games to hospital for her 10th birthday
Wheeling girl donates over 100 board games to hospital for her 10th birthday
For her 10th birthday, Maya Schaab knew exactly what she wanted: dozens and dozens of board games.
WHEELING, Ill. - In this morning's Good News Guarantee, if good deeds landed you extra cash in Monopoly, one Wheeling girl would be a millionaire.
For her 10th birthday, Maya Schaab knew exactly what she wanted: dozens and dozens of board games.
"It blew me away when she told me how much she raised and how many board games she got and the care that she puts into all of her donations. You can tell that she is such a caring person," said Katie Steinberg, a certified child life specialist at Advocate Children’s Hospital in Park Ridge.
Through her GoFundMe page, Maya raised over a thousand dollars to purchase 130 games for patients.
"I know going to the hospital can be scary, especially for kids," Maya said.
Her birthday service projects began when she was just 5 years old. Last year, she and her dad constructed a little free food pantry outside the Wheeling Public Library. The year before that, it was a birthday in a box complete with cake mix, icing and sprinkles, made for those who couldn’t risk getting sick during the pandemic. Maya wanted to make sure they could still celebrate.
"I want kindness to be contagious and everybody to appreciate each other and respect each other," Maya said