Threat of violence prompts extra security for suburban high school homecoming

There was extra security for a suburban high school football game Friday night after a threat of violence.

The extra security will extend through the weekend at Oak Park River Forest High School, including the dance that was mentioned in the threat.

“It's just a bummer because it’s our last year and it's our last homecoming, and this is probably one of our last games,” said senior Emily Wunsch.

School officials say they received an anonymous letter in the mail on Friday, threatening violence during Saturday’s homecoming dance.

“I was a little leery of letting my child go, but I’m actually secure of their plan their plan to keep it safe,” said parent Nicole Bonona.

Right now, officials do not plan to cancel the dance and are working with police.

On Friday before the homecoming football game, officers swept the stadium and increased patrols. Security will be on hand around the clock on campus through the weekend.

“Even though it’s probably some kid as a harmless prank, I like the fact that Oak Park police took it serious and school staff took it serious enough to up the security out here and make sure they have more manpower out here,” said parent Dartanyan Brown.

School officials say they are working with local, state and federal police to determine the credibility of the threat. They will provide parents and students a status update no later than 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. 

A senior says the threat of violence at the dance is scary, but they can't live in fear.

“I don't think it should stop us from having a  good time and if it was that bad of a threat, they would definitely keep their students safe and cancel it if they had to,” said Isabel McMahon.

The threat comes just days after a student posted a racially sensitive picture on social media and was suspended. Then, a teacher reposted the picture and he too was suspended.

School officials say this threat does not appear to be connected.