Turn off your Bluetooth, warn security experts

(David Becker/Getty Images)
FOX NEWS - Your Bluetooth connection is unsafe. Very unsafe. That's the message from the largest hacker convention.
Bluetooth, which is a wireless technology for connecting everything from wireless earphones to car entertainment systems, is hacker heaven.
It's bad enough that attendees at the hacker convention DEF CON are advising to turn it off when not in use, as noted in reports from Security Boulevard and Mashable.
"People can track you with your Bluetooth devices. The problem is chronic with devices like headphones [and] fitness trackers," noted Security Boulevard in a post entitled "Securing devices for DEF CON," adding that many Bluetooth devices "seem to have gaping holes just waiting to be hacked."
The recent KNOB attack, disclosed on Aug. 13, is an example of how unsafe Bluetooth connections can be. The "severe" vulnerability in the Bluetooth specification can allow an attacker to potentially change the content of nearby Bluetooth devices, according to a web page on the attack.
If you use your Bluetooth for music or audio, the danger is small, said Adam Kujawa, director of Malwarebytes Labs, to Fox News.