Three women died in Chicago apartment building without air conditioning, alderwoman says

Chicago Ald. Maria Hadden (49th) said on Facebook on Saturday that three people have died in an apartment building without air conditioning in the Rogers Park neighborhood.

Hadden said that she had started getting complaints from residents at the James Sneider apartments, 7450 N Rogers, on Thursday. By that time, Chicago had suffered through days of an unseasonable heat wave.

Hadden said that she had visited with residents still without air conditioning and that the heat was unbearable. Management had turned on the air conditioning on Saturday.

"From being in those units – it's so hot. These are senior residents. Residents with health conditions," Hadden said.

The Chicago Fire Department was on site on Saturday and confirmed that over the course of the afternoon and evening, three women in their 60s and 70s were found dead.